I’m a 90s baby by the name of Elvis, but everybody calls me “YB” (YungBlaze619). I’m 29 born and raised in San Diego. My father names me Elvis, I’m guessing because he was a big fan of Elvis Presley and acquired the name “Yung Blaze” when I was in the 6th grade, my teacher called me that, when I asked why he responded, because your young and hotheaded. Looking back now, that makes me laugh.
I’ve been doing music for about almost 10+ years. Started back in middle school. Always had a hard time trusting people and expressing my feelings, so writing it out made things a lot less heavier on my shoulders. Then the ability to put my feelings into music became an outlet. Day in and day out, I’ve put in hours and hours of beating on my craft to manifest into what and who I am today. I grind hard for that’s what and all I know is grind and music has been there with me through it all. I’ve interacted with a couple of indie labels and used each one to pick up something that I was going to use myself, whether that was photography, Graphics, Videos/directing, management, DJing, dancing, club promoting, producing, engineering, rapping, singing, performing… etc. I slowly shaped myself into the Jaq of all trades I am today.
I’M DAYGOs DR. DRE! I was always in and with the music but one way or another, everything just slowly started becoming what is now & what it is now. I know and truly believe I have generated a multibillion dollar vision. I’m the CEO of “BlaqueWolf Enterprise” and I’m going to do everything in my power to bring that vision to reality. I don’t consider myself better than anybody, I just possess a different appetite… IM HUNGRIER, Something always makes me want to go harder and evolve because becoming a millionaire is just too broke for me. I guess it’s a Wolf Thing!