How BetterHelp Scaled Their Influencer Work With Popular Pays

BetterHelp is an online portal that provides direct-to-consumer access to behavioral health services. The online counseling and therapy services are provided through web-based interaction as well as phone and text communication.

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Popular Pays has been instrumental in scaling BetterHelp’s influencer content campaigns on Facebook and Instagram. They have taken a very time-intensive process and made it infinitely more streamlined.

James Imrie, Creative Director / BetterHelp


BetterHelp had started to test influencer content ads on Facebook and Instagram, but they were looking for a solution to scale their campaigns.


Popular Pays approached them with a scalable solution for sourcing influencer creative, taking the sourcing task out and letting influencers apply to work with them.  Scaling their influencer and content creation strategies on Popular Pays has allowed BetterHelp’s team to find new partners, quickly receive content and deploy that content through influencer accounts.  Each influencer that provided content also granted BetterHelp page access, allowing BetterHelp to run their content from the influencer’s page all from the BetterHelp ad account.


BetterHelp posted a brief on the Popular Pays platform, and within days, had dozens of applications from influencers interested in participating in the campaign. The platform allowed them to evaluate and communicate with influencers in an efficient manner. The fast turnaround paired with Facebook A/B testing allowed BetterHelp to learn quickly which content was performing and which influencers they should rebook for targeted campaigns.

The content was run using broad targeting and automatic placements, allowing Facebook to determine the most relevant influencer content to show and the best places to show them. Using this method with the video content sourced from Popular Pays, BetterHelp grew their ad placements on Instagram by 30%, where they had previously been showing ads mainly on Facebook. This enabled the company to reach new people, and provided the opportunity to scale, as their new potential audience would be larger with the ability to convert people on a new channel.

With the Popular Pays platform, BetterHelp rapidly deployed a variety of influencer assets between November 29th and December 31st, 2019 and garnered impressive results.

8.7% lift in ad performance

8.7% improved efficiency on cost per acquisition (than any existing campaigns in their ad account for the same period)

170% lift in click through rate

In addition, the quicker and more affordable price in creative that Popular Pays provided has allowed BetterHelp to get relevant content based on holidays or current events as well as quickly test assets and adjust based on performance.

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